Business Development Workshops


We offer a number of marketing and sales workshops designed for all levels of staff.

All our workshops are intensive, practical, hands on and highly interactive designed to enhance executive skills.

Our Workshops include:



Designed to enhance executive sales skills when dealing many different audiences including: existing and new clients; suppliers; and colleagues!

Download Close That Deal - Business Development



Creative training course in which delegates are guided through the use of creative techniques used by leading public relations consultancies, advertising agencies and forward thinking businesses – learning how to integrate these techniques into many aspects of their business.

Download Create



Purple Tangerine Media Training provides quality, realistic training for executives to face the broadcast and print media with confidence.

Participants are provided with tools and skills to exploit media opportunities and leave with an in-depth understanding of the UK and global media landscape.

Company executives will be put through their paces in a typical live studio set up. Depending on the duration of the training, there will be two to three print and broadcast interviews. Each interview will be treated as live, with executives put under the same pressure as in a CNN, BBC or Bloomberg studio situation.

The private and confidential recording and playback/analysis of the print and TV interviews enables a fast track system to achieving the course aims.

Advice is also given on body language appearance, performance and techniques to assist in using your voice as a tool.

Download Media Training



The ability to deliver information to achieve maximum impact is a skill all business professionals need but few have mastered - simply because they don’t know how!

Enhance executive presentation skills when dealing many different audiences including: existing clients; new clients; suppliers; and colleagues!

Almost everyone can become a great presenter – you just need to learn the rules of the game.